
original as it is that they differ quantitatively from the normal in that they exhibit some behavior form found in normals but exhibit it either to a very exaggerated degree or in ways and circumstances that the normal would not show. For example, everybody has some appreciation of himself or herself as seen in the mirror, but when this love of oneself gets out control the person is termed a narcissist. The fact that all the different components occur in one type of "case" in itself puts transvestism in a rather unique posi- tion. When one strays from a highway into some particular byway he could reasonably be said to have "deviated" from the accepted path, but when he merely exhibits to a some what greater degree a half dozen traits which are to be seen in some degree in everybody, it is hard to see the logic of using the word "deviation" to cover this versatility.)))

Fetishistic Traits in Transvestism.

Abraham's patient, a 22 year old college student, well il- lustrates how closely interwoven are often various perver- sions, and how one single case may present a variety of dif- ferent components. He was a fetishist and a transvestite, with masochistic and sadistic features, and with scopto- philia. He wrote in his autobiography, "I have often wish- ed I was a woman...I often long to wear women's clothes, stays and shoes." In fact, he not only longed, but often put on his mother's stays and laced himself tightly, deriv- ing a sexual pleasure from this complex, transvestistic, fetishistic and masochistic behavior. He also showed some sadistic trendes. "If I see women and girls tightly laced and picture to myself the pressure of their corsets on their breasts and body, I can get an erection: " Scoptophilia was also present, "Looking out for elegant shoes or tight- ly laced waists became his most important sexual activity; This interest occupied the chief place in his vivid day- dreams. At night he had frequent erotic dreams about stays." The Narcissistic and Exhibitionistic Traits in Transvestism.

Narcissism is best exemplified in the phenomenon of the "MirrorComplex". Some examples of this: "In this attire (female clothing) I felt divinely. I felt divinely. I then stepped in front